For some women the lack of libido is in decline. So why not practice some Tai Ji, and Qi Gong which is focused on bringing the life force energy and “chi” into the body/mind/and spirit. Move the body. Put on some favorite music. The body knows what to do. Imagine the chi, life energy awakening inside your body. Each cell, each joint, each muscle, awakens to new life. Don’t worry about the form. Just move and enjoy, and PLAY. Then notice inside your body. What do you experience? Do you feel the “juices” of the life energy flowing? Do you feel fluid? Enjoy your body.
Trying to Conceive
We are and have been under extreme pressure to conceive. After all, we are getting to that deadline in age. Each time we try to conceive, we both get nervous, and it just becomes an exercise in pushing the limit. Let’s try something else. Imagine all the cells in the body ready to receive. Scan your body. If there are some cells that are not ready to receive, simply ask them what they might need in order to receive. This may sound a bit crazy, but it does help to explore what the blocks are to conceiving. Listen carefully to the wonderful wisdom of the body. This is what is called a “full body response.” Then check out the images that may be coming up. Observe, notice, and gather information about those images. Do not try to fix or change them. Those images might just guide you into another image. Use some lubricant so you can take the time to explore those images….SLOWLY. Relax into the feeling of connection to your body, and to your partner’s body, and/or to the receiving of sperm to join with the egg in creation.
Natural Aloe Lubrication
“This lubrication rocks! It only enhances the feeling of my dance of life. And what an incredible satisfying dance it is. I love the different scents which I call flavors…..ahhhhhh…. French Lavender, Tahitian Vanilla, and of course for those natural times in the deep woods of life…..Natural Aloe.”
Elder Love: Keeping the Juices Flowing
In the media we are constantly faced with ads that say “take this or take that pill” to help with bone health as we age. Do we hear about exercising, diet, or ways to “keep the juices flowing” to help the body remain fluid and in good working order? Do we celebrate the deepening of love and sexual expression in the elder years? After all, many of us have had wonderful years of good sexual experience, and we continue to do so. We are human beings who need tender touch. We have needs, are sensual, and yes, sexual. This is in fact a normal, and can be delightful part of lives in the elder years. In travels to Eastern cultures, we witness a celebration and an honoring of elder love with natural sexual expression. In the literature, it is suggested that in order to keep the organs in our body functioning in a healthy way, the juices must keep flowing….as in exercising the sexual organs to stay lubricated, and healthy.
Christmas Under The Tree