We’ve just added Vitamin E to Aloe Cadabra and enhanced our packaging. We’d love to know what you think! Please e-mail us ((info@aloecadabra.com)) or post a reply here. We’ll pick one respondent to receive a gift basket of all three great scents of Aloe Cadabra.
Can I Use Backyard Aloe As a Personal Lubricant?
Well, we believe the better question is how much fun would it be to have sex on your hammock in the backyard? Or on your swing set? Or under the stars with a warm blanket and some good wine? Those questions withstanding, many people have used raw aloe as a personal lubricant. In fact, that’s how we discovered the magic of aloe and experienced our first of many magic moments! We picked it right from our fields, filleted it and used it as not only a lubricant, but also a moisturizer. It worked unbelievably well. But, it was a bit runny, was difficult to work with and took away the spontaneity (who wants to fillet an aloe stalk when they’re ready for something more)? And, you of course need to be careful to make sure you get all the dirt off, don’t leave any of the prickly skin or have any bugs. As with anything you put on or in your body, you should make sure you aren’t allergic and if you feel any discomfort, immediately stop using it.
Raw aloe can be sensual, slippery fun and potentially healing (the healing properties of Aloe have been known for some time). But why go through the hassle of filleting the aloe, keeping it cool, delicately insuring it there’s no dirt or bugs in it, when you can get the same effect with out it, in a ready to use bottle that also includes incredible fragrances from organic essential oils? When trying to figure out which lubricant to choose, a lubricant with a lot of aloe is great for you, so more can be better! Be sure to read the label carefully; many tout having aloe vera or other great things like Vitamin E, but when you get down to it, there isn’t much of it in the bottle. So, read the label carefully and always look for a product like Aloe Cadabra, which has more than 95% organic aloe vera, along with some incredible other food grade ingredients that help provide thickness, lubricity, sensual aromas and other great qualities that make it fantastic for you and your partner or by yourself. So, use that aloe in your backyard. Better yet, use Aloe Cadabra while in your backyard…under the stars!
Eco-Friendly Love Lotion
Jennifer at SisterlySavings.net has this to say about Aloe Cadabra (directly beneath an embedded player with Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” queued up!):
Try adding a little “green” to your romantic rendezvous by incorporating an all-natural & eco friendly alternative “lotion” with Aloe Cadabra, a 95% aloe based personal “love lotion”. Instead of using harsh chemicals to ignite the fires, aloe cadabra offers a smooth, gentle yet non greasy personal product that will leave you breathless (rather literally,lol!).
Read her full review HERE!
Fun, Safe Organic Lubricant Review
Shannon at The Mommy Files has a Bachelor’s Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development, so she knows the importance of a good lube to the health of a body and a relationship!
In a marriage, intimacy is important…vital even to its survival and happiness. However, it’s hard to be intimate if you feel uncomfortable. Medicines (or birth controls) can cause dryness, which lessen the enjoyment for women in intimate situations. Many women (and men) try to relieve the dryness with over-the-counter products, but some result in uncomfortable reactions to the products. In steps Aloe Cadabra!
Read the full review HERE.
Natural Lubricant Perfect For Skin
Kristin at OurOrdinaryLife.com likes Aloe Cadabra for being usable as a natural, biologically-sound skin lotion!
Aloe works in a number of ways. Mucopolysaccharides, one of the ingredients that are in aloe vera, create a thin protective covering. It’s the chemical makeup that does this, not some added synthetic chemical. It’s this natural chemical that helps to support a healthy migration of nutrition and waste on a cellular level. This helps to protect against infection; one of the reasons why aloe vera is so healing. Another chemical – choline – is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to soothe and heal skin by using the bodies own natural processes.
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