Give your body a boost with this tasty wheatgrass shot

Wheatgrass is known for its nutrient-dense and powerful antioxidant properties. Many of these purported benefits come from the fact that it’s made up of 70 percent chlorophyll. The idea is that by consuming wheatgrass, you will get many of chlorophyll’s benefits, including detoxification, immune support, and anti-inflammation.
Of course, the idea of eating wheatgrass is less than appealing, which is why we have a tasty alternative: the pineapple-wheatgrass shot. Both sweet and healthy, the pineapple-wheatgrass shot is super simple to make.
All you need is 4 oz of fresh wheatgrass, 2 cups of chopped fresh pineapple, and half an orange. Throw those ingredients into a juicer or blender and you’ll have four shots of this tasty booster—which you can hand out to your family or store in the fridge. Cheers! READ MORE
Aloe Cadabra – each tube is carefully filled over 95% Full of Organic Aloe Vera to moisturize and sooth.