Here are 5 tips for doing just that

The people over at the online publication, Greatist, offer a lot of clever ways to deal with the little things in life. Earlier this year, writer Susie Moore wrote a little piece about how to stop overthinking everything and find more joy in life. Here are her 5 top tips to doing just that.
First tip: Imagine 2019 is your last year to live. What are three things you’d make non-negotiable: spending time with your parents? Writing that book? Visiting the Grand Canyon? Sitting down to have an intimate talk that you’ve been putting off? Make them real!
Second tip: Risk more in your routine. Can you test a new recipe you’ve always wanted to try and not be married to the outcome? Just give it a whirl with an open, curious mind? If it’s good, great! If not, how bad can it be? What’s the worst that can happen? The point is, don’t be afraid to change up your routine—you might be pleasantly surprised.
Third tip: Sign up for something new. Can you show up for a new workout without being embarrassed? Every expert was once a beginner, and even the triathlon pros had to learn to ride a bike and swim. People aren’t watching, don’t worry (they’re too focused on themselves). Most classes have beginner options too—including barre, Zumba, SLT!
Fourth tip: Make something you’ve always wanted to do a priority instead of leaving it on the back burner. It can be anything. Can you ditch the reason that’s stopping you, and just book that trip to India? Try cryotherapy? Go trapezing? What are you waiting for, exactly?
Fifth tip: cleanse yourself of perfectionist tendencies. Expect nothing. Or expect awful. Anything above awful can be a bonus. When you take yourself a little less seriously, ideas and creativity will flow a whole lot better. READ MORE
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