Find out when the autumn leaves will look their best in your area

The changing colors of the leaves is a trademark sign of the start of autumn, but when that happens all depends on where you live.
In certain parts of the country—we’re looking at you, central Rockies—foliage begins to change colors as early as mid-September, peaking by the end of the month. In other parts of the U.S., prime leaf-peeping takes off in October, with vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges topping out in early November. And for our country’s southernmost states, autumn colors can be seen as late as December.
With that said, shortening days, temperature changes, weather conditions, and even drought can play a huge role in determining whether the leaves will brighten early or late. Still, it’s possible to estimate when to hunt for leaves in New York City or scrounge for color in North Carolina.
Want to know when to see the best fall colors this autumn? Check out this interactive map to find out. READ MORE
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