Here’s a simple trick will help you get any unpleasant task done

How many times have you been faced with a task that feels insurmountable? Perhaps it has no end in sight, or you don’t know where to start, or it’s just so darn unpleasant that you don’t even want to begin. That is when the five-minute rule comes in handy.
The idea behind the five-minute rule is this: whenever there’s something you need to do that you really don’t want to do, agree to just do it for five minutes – literally setting a timer if you want – and then you can quit with no guilt afterwards. That’s it. You’ll find that when you devote five minutes of your time and energy towards something, you’ll actually be able to get that task done—or at least, make progress on the task.
Whether it’s cleaning the bathroom, practicing an instrument or new language, folding laundry, deleting emails, doing a quick ab workout or going for a run, picking up trash outside, doing online research, making a necessary phone call, starting on that book you’ve always dreamed of writing – no matter the size or type of project, putting in five minutes will always make you feel better. READ MORE
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