People who use SPF moisturizer tend to make this basic mistake, researchers say

If you’re one of the millions of people using a daily moisturizer with sun protection factor (SPF) to shield your face from sun damage, chances are you’re not getting as much protection as you think. According to new research published earlier this month, most people who use facial moisturizers tend to miss sensitive areas like the eyelids more than if they were applying regular sunscreen. While many moisturizers contain high SPF similar in strength to what you’d find in a sunscreen, they simply aren’t being applied in the same way. And that’s a problem because the eyelids are just as sensitive, perhaps more sensitive than other parts of the body when it comes to sun damage. The researchers weren’t able to uncover why people using facial moisturizers miss the eyelids, but they believe it could be because subconsciously people are not as thorough when applying a face moisturizer as they are when applying sunscreen. In any case, if you’re concerned with protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, make sure to cover every inch of exposed skin…including the eye lids. READ MORE
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